mardi 19 mars 2019

The Nature And Characteristics Of Love

By Roger Fisher

When one would talk about love, it is complex of beliefs, behaviors and emotions that is associated with the strong feelings in protectiveness, respect, affection and warmth for other. It could be used also in animals, religious beliefs and principles. For example, a singer would have her stage name Gigi Love because she or he likes the ideal love.

Ancient Greek called the love madness of gods. The modern psychologist defines it like strong desire in emotional union with other person though that would be affection actually. That means a lot of different things in different people. The songwriter has described that that when you are near then you would hear symphony.

The lust or sex drive evolved in enabling in seeking the range in potential partners that is meeting. Then one could have sex in someone that one is not affection with. They could have sex on someone that is not love with. One could even be feeling the drive sex while reading magazine or even driving in car. The lust would not focus necessarily particular individual.

There been much of debate in whether the love is choice or something that fleeting or permanent and if the love in between the family members and the spouses would biologically culturally indoctrinated or programmed. It might vary in every person to ever person and culture. Every of debates about it might accurate in some place and time. There are instances that love might choice while others will feel it uncontrollable.

The sexual gratification and stimulation either using the mouth, fantasy play, fingers, chains, plain intercourse or sex could certainly sold and bought, and it may be used in selling other more things. Sex could be in sale is question for another entire day however the affections could not be sold. They could buy companionship, attention, loyalty, and maybe even compassion.

Everybody that fall in love would be searching for the missing piece in themselves. Anyone who has been in love would get sad in times that they think of past lovers. It somehow like stepping back in room where one has been fond of but has not seen in long time. It does not be consisting in gazing each other however looking outward in same direction.

Though almost none would agree in single meaning of it, lot of people does agree in love which plays significant role both in psychological and physical being. There are numerous studies that have demonstrated benefits of it. The role of it on mental health is reaching far though some of it includes that babies that do not shown affection and love might be developmentally ill or delayed.

It has none of any conditions. When they would truly loving someone then one could not just stop loving those people and that should be regardless of the things they had done or say. That love should be dependent in other person acting upon it and the speaking they would want it, then that is conditional affection. Someone would often confuse that love with positive thoughts. That loving of what person does or says.

The true love does not want everything in return that really is because there would be nothing that it wants. One would affection just for sake in loving. Instances that one would affection anyone then do not look in tem infilling the needs and all kinds of those things.

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