dimanche 17 février 2019

All About Oscars Gift Bag Bow Tie ZuZu Kim

By Peter Nelson

The Academy Awards is no doubt Hollywoods biggest night. With the denizens of showbiz flaunting around, it is not easy to ignore this bigwig event. And not recently, a new development has been pitched in this field, in that no one goes empty handed, even without the coveted golden trophy. All nominees go home loaded with the treasure trove of Oscars gift bag bow tie ZuZu Kim.

In the Academy Awards, the host and also the nominees who did not get to win in their category of Best actor, actress, supporting actor, supporting actress, and director still get for themselves a valuable swag bag. Recent calculations have postulated that the worth of the bag hovers around a hundred and seventy dollars. The tagline Everyone Wins is indeed fitting in this regard.

Even when your favorite bet did not get his golden statue, he still gets to go home with valuable trinkets. This treasure trove is a composite of a smorgasbord of materials ranging from skin care and cosmetic products, valuable artwork, leisure therapy sessions, fitness sessions, travel packages, luxury electronics, and of course, the quintessential ZuZu Kim bowtie.

Needless to say, the bowtie is one article that rests in the balance between casualness and elegance. For this reason, it is the go to regalia for musicians and performers upstage. ZK first created bowties for this particular reason, and now the brand is widely recognized and considered a pioneer in this field.

Designing and making couture bowties might seem like a small and limited discipline. This is not the case, however, and ZuZu Kim is a master of creating and remaking these articles in newfangled, fresh, and perhaps unconventional ways. The product serves as a tribute to the designers craftsmanship, and it presents a particular make and craft that is difficult to replicate.

The bowties are handcrafted in the quintessential city of New York. It is made using the techniques studied and observed by Christina Kim and is, in a way, self innovated. In fact, some patterns, layouts, and fabric motifs are particularly complex and take more than a couple hours to finalize. That holds true for every ZK article, as each design is especially given the utmost attention, with great emphasis on symmetry, precision, and overall perfection, with the professed highest standard in the field.

This is not to be wondered at. After all, ZuZu K is a meritorious brand by itself. Its creations are made impeccably, crafted from the finest fabrics. The designer is a professed perfectionist, and each article is made according to the tenets and principles of the highest arts.

The classic Kim Creations are striking statement pieces, trimmed, bejeweled, adorned, spiked, or whatnot. They are also versatile, whether for uptown or downtown events, day or evening occasions, these articles are across the board applicable. They may be worn with matched necklaces, or else clipped on. This is among the few stores of its kind which offers a unisex collection, with products that are luxurious, classic, chic, and perhaps a tad unconventional.

If you think bowtie design is bromidic, with a limited wellspring of ideas, we ask you to view ZuZu Kims catalog and aver your opinion yet again. This brand is really out to break the traditional approach in design, spewing off ties that are unconventional, fresh, adaptable, and yet invariably classic. With self innovated and occasionally complex couture techniques, brand recognition is a going thing with ZKs bowties, and you would be hard put to see another stores whose products offer much berth for identity, function, and aesthetics, all at once.

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