vendredi 11 mars 2016

Determining A Real Sheepskin And A Faux Sheepskin Rug

By Jeffrey Reynolds

Almost all people wanted to have brand new clothes that are on the trend. The satisfaction of the people could not be achieved easily. The always look for something new to their eyes that is why clothing shops always releases a bunch of style of clothing that would look appealing to their consumers.

Most clothing nowadays is always associated with the skin of animals and one of which is the sheepskin. A sheepskin is a hide or a skin of a sheep which are use for human clothing, accessories, house decorations and others. But not all uses true skins of sheep, especially in rugs, some cloth factories are just using faux sheepskin rug.

A faux sheepskin is a fake skin of the sheep and is made of synthetic fibers designed to resemble fur, normally as part of a piece of clothing or any other accessories. There are already many clothing nowadays that are using these skins because of its smooth and soft fur. If you are planning to buy clothing like a jacket or boots or any other accessories, here are some ways on how to determine a real from a faux skins of sheep.

Look at the brand names. If you know some brand names that are using genuine skins of sheep and those that are not, then it is an advantage for you. But, be aware also for the fake brand since they are also scattered around the globe.

See the labels. Each original garment often has a label that is being attached. The label of a garment will reveal the composition of that certain garment. They are usually found at the sides and it has a list of the materials being used.

Ask for the price. If upon asking the price, the saleslady would tell you cheaper price then doubt it. Genuine sheepskins are definitely costly because it is not easy to acquire one. If the garment is really using a genuine skin, they would really put a higher price in it because aside from being hard to acquire it, the supply is also low.

Touch and stroke it. When you feel that the garment is a bit rough then it is probably fake. A genuine skin of sheep is totally smooth and soft upon touching it. A fake one feels coarse because it is only made of manufactured compounds.

Stick a pin through it. Once you stick a pin in a genuine skin, they are likely to bounce back and it is very hard to actually push the pin right through it. This is because a genuine one has a very thick and compact composition. However, if the pin passes smoothly without any resistance then it is likely to be fake because fake skins are usually made of plastic materials which made it easy for the pin to pass through it.

There are actually a lot of shops out there who are offering products that they said are made of real sheepskin materials but it turns out to be synthetic. If you are not familiar with the material, you could easily be persuaded. If you are really planning to have real skins of sheep, better try to do a research first before heading directly to the mall.

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