jeudi 16 juillet 2015

Using Creative Writing Journals To Write In

By Eula Clarke

There are a number of different type books which individuals can use for keeping track of life events. Some relate to diet while others relate to dreams. Regardless, using creative writing journals to write in can be a good resource for documenting various aspects of life.

One important aspect of using a diary is in using the right type for each life event. For example, someone monitoring blood sugar may want to use one with a month, day and year heading. The individual then has a record to share with a health care provider when necessary. A daily log can also be a good reference to reflect back on which food and drink may have caused a spike or downfall in blood sugar readings.

Depending on the individual, some may want to use dates for dreams, others may not. Although, regardless as to whether one logs a date, it is important to log as much information about the dream as possible. It can also be beneficial to note whether the dream happened in black and white or color, and if the events have either come to pass, or potentially could come to pass in the future.

Individuals living with health conditions like Diabetes Type I, or II, are often required by health care providers to keep a daily diary. In doing so, the provider can monitor any changes which might be necessary with regards to medication or treatment over time. Whereas, it also allows the individual to note whether or not there have been changes to blood sugar levels on a regular basis.

People who keep dream diaries often believe in dream interpretation. If this is the case, it is important to log as many visions seen as possible. It can also be good to note whether dreams occurred in color or black and white. Some research has shown that dreaming in color often indicates the dreams are prophetic. Whereas, the same research suggest black and white dreams are often based on fiction or history.

Whether or not to write down a reference to date when drawing, sketching or simply taking notes is up to the individual. While some may find doing so important, others may not. As such, depending on current factors, each individual must decide whether or not doing so will make the entry more worthwhile in the future.

When it comes to keeping journals online, like those using "Live Journal, " updating can often be delayed. Individuals using hard copy booklets, diaries and ledgers can often write down information in the moment. Though, for those who can update online journals on a regular basis, the information can often be more easily accessible when away from home. Some people find that writing in a booklet, then uploading the information into an online system provides the best of all scenarios.

When logging information into any type of book, it is important that information be as true and correct as possible. Otherwise, it can often prove difficult to use the information as a resource. Whereas, if the information is accurate and well documented, one can often find resolutions used in the past which may prove useful in the future.

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