lundi 27 juillet 2015

Letting Long Island Advertising Agencies Aid Horror Films

By Arthur Williams

Needless to say, horror movies are quite popular in this day and age. Not only are there numerous remakes to account for, but original productions have reached the attention of avid moviegoers as well. With that said, though, I think that it would be wise to talk about the marketing aspect of things. One of the ways that this can be done - provided the right degree of effort is put into this - is the litany of tools associated with a Long Island advertising agency.

It's not like smart marketing has been unable to help horror movies in the past. For example, the 2013 remake of "Carrie" was pushed heavily through a public coffee shop prank, where smart wirework and acting alike were carried out. Those who were patrons in said shop were taken aback, to say the least, when they saw chairs move on their own and pictures to fall from the ceiling. To say that this was effective at drawing attention to said movie would be an understatement.

This is just one example of how marketing can be done in less traditional ways, though. There have been various horror-themed pranks carried out, many of which were done for the sole purpose of drawing attention to movie productions. These types of videos spread like wildfire, for lack of a better analogy, and they illustrate the importance of creativity as well. As a result, it's not abnormal for Long Island advertising agencies to take notice of them.

One must wonder, then, how a Long Island advertising agency could push a horror movie production to the next level. One of the ways that this may be done, according to firms like fishbat, is the utilization of social media. It's possible that posts could be made about favorite horror movie moments, in general, where numerous people can stay engaged. Even though this may be a short-term process, multiple posts along these lines can have a greater collective impact.

Without question, horror movies enjoy tremendous amounts of popularity. Even though this can vary from one production to the next, I would argue that marketing plays a huge role. There are several tools which can be integrated to boot, ranging from video production to social media integration. When these are put into place, and utilized with the utmost care, it's easy to imagine that success can be yielded. It's just a matter of how creative the campaigns truly are.

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