mardi 24 février 2015

Open Worlds & 3 Tips For Game Design Students

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

Video games can be home to some of the most breathtaking worlds that digital media can create. They grant the player a sense of freedom, as he or she will be able to explore every last inch of the world for the purpose of getting the most out of it. Of course, this can be a challenge for those who are heavily involved in game design. In order for the best open worlds to be created, in the long term, here is a list of 3 hints that's more than worth focusing on.

Open world video games, to start off, should come with a degree of creativity. Players want to feel as though they have something of a sandbox to play in, as they are allowed to be an environment where there aren't as many rules to abide by. For example, "Minecraft" is notable because of the amount of structures that can be created by players. Just about anything can be formed, be it buildings, castles, or what have you, which only helps to make it that much more engaging.

A lack of repetition helps to make open world video games stand out as well. If you want to talk about what this entails, "Fallout 3" is perhaps one of the finest examples that can be addressed. It's not hard to see why, given the many enemy types and locations that can be combated and ventured, respectively. Despite its almost lifeless appearance, this world is far from bland. If anything, it's perhaps one of the most engrossing open worlds that can be explored.

More than anything else, it seems, imagination should play a role in the creation of open worlds. You want to make sure that you can create something that can be described as "special," in comparison to what is already out on the market. Yes, it can be argued that everything has been created already, so it's not like everyone will bring an entirely new idea to the table. However, when established concepts are treated to new spins, it can prove to be just as effective.

With the highest level of quality intact, there's no doubt that open world video games can open up an entirely new realm. It's easy to see that the gaming industry has expanded in the past number of years, so the idea of more open worlds isn't out of the question. In fact, they can be used to create more interactive experiences that can only be described as rewarding. When these are created well, it's easy to see that stronger possibilities can rise to the surface.

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