mercredi 22 octobre 2014

Perfect Gifts For Tree Huggers

By Patty Goff

People who proudly accept the label 'tree-hugger' love nature in its purest form. Nothing says 'I want to protect the planet' more than trees, whether they're ones saved from being cut down, those planted in the side yard, or ones stenciled on a T-shirt. This makes buying gifts for tree huggers easy.

There are many reasons why trees are so significant. They clean the air by removing carbon dioxide and other noxious gases, as well as trapping particulates (pollutants like smog, smoke, and dust). Many scientists believe that human life could not exist without the forests of the world. They also add moisture to the air.

They clean the soil, which many people don't know. Planting trees on soils tainted with industrial waste can reclaim it, as toxins are absorbed by the roots and stored in the wood. They build soil by dropping leaves or needles and pulling important nutrients from subsoil deep underneath the ground. The roots also stabilize the ground, keeping precious topsoil from washing away when it rains.

Trees help save energy by casting shade in summer. A large one that protects a house from the afternoon sun can save up to 30% in air conditioning costs. They intercept winds that can dry soil until it blows away and can make householders use more energy to cool or heat their homes. This is one reason why trees add significant value to a home. Another reason, of course, is that they're beautiful.

A single large trunk, branch, and root complex will trap hundreds of gallons of water and release it slowly into the ground. This allows rainwater to penetrate deep into aquifers underground, which feed wells and keep rivers and lakes full. Paved surfaces and bare ground send water into storm drains or directly into natural run-off instead of replenishing important stores of ground water.

Every one of these large plants feeds and/or houses wildlife, like birds, mammals, reptiles, and insects. This means that a gift for a tree-lover can be almost anything from nature's huge variety. An appropriate T-shirt could feature a majestic spreading chestnut of yore or a perky squirrel just like the one in the front-yard maple.

Ideas can range from T-shirts or hats that actually carry the slogan to garden sculptures that depict the spirits believed to live in the woods since time immemorial. Designs for clothing can included silhouettes of a forested mountain or a tree-ringed lake, a green tree-frog, a stylized Tree of Life, brilliant fall leaves - the list is endless. Mugs, photographs and paintings, garden aprons, mouse pads, stationery, calenders, decals for the sides or windows of automobiles, flags for the front yard, or a tree-house for the back are just some of the great ideas in this category.

There are other things to do, too, like planting a tree to replace one lost elsewhere, making a donation to save the rainforest in someone's name, or even building a tree-house. Seasonal ornaments, window art, or a pretty picture or painting can acknowledge someone's passion. The wide world and over ten thousand species of tree serve as inspiration, so checking tree-huggers off your list is not a problem.

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