samedi 28 avril 2018

The Supremacist Bigotry Behind The Black Panther Success And Other Prejudice Examples

By P. L. Duff

The Black Panther movie has reached over $1 billion worldwide in less than a month. And the Supremacist Bigotry Behind that success is what I want to talk about today.

Let's start with Krypton which gave us Superman from a planet inhabited by white European aliens And the secret island of Themiscura is overrun by white European females that gave us Wonder Woman. A tribe of women warriors. This starts to show just how widespread is this old supremacist bigotry really is.

Then there's Heimdal a black Norse God who held outside to man the entrance to Asgard. Home to Thor A Norse God of white European immortals. Now I don't know about you, but this truly sounds very familiar to me?

Then there's Asgard. Home to A Norse God called Thor full of white European gods. With Heimdal, a black Norse God kept outside to secure the entranceway to the realm. Unfortunately, this has a very stereotypical ring to it.

Next, we have the villain Thanos correct? Thanos is a cosmically powerful purplish god-like being who came from a race called the eternal's residing on a moon of white European aliens called Titan. What about Darkseid? A cosmically powerful DC comics new age God who originally was a being called Uxas, a farmer from a planet of we go again....white European aliens?

How about Galactus? Or his herald, the Silver Surfer? Galactus came from a universe that existed prior to our current one from a planet called TAA. From a race guessed it....white European aliens. And the Silver Surfer came from Shala Baal. A planet of again...white European Aliens.

And the lingering Supremacist Bigotry mindset doesn't stop there. There is Star Trek with almost every advanced race, the Vulcans, the Romulans, the Bjorans, the Cardashians, the Ferengi, the trill, the rulers of the Dominion, and yes the Klingons too. All white European aliens with a minority of black ones relegated to simple subservient roles.

And that show was the famous Star Trek. Therefore it's no surprise that the Black Panther movie has become such a wildly successful first of its kind. It's a triumph that takes the same old tired, psychological supremacist bigotry SciFi action movies and shows overrun by white European aliens and throws it all out the window. In doing so it destroys the creative glass roof and released pure creative excellence.

The biggest problem with this supremacist bigotry mindset is that it starts spilling over into reality with these crazy versions of self-grandeur. You would think that these movies are just fiction with no basis in reality. But this is where you start to see the beginnings of the mental health issue.

First was a popular show in the 50s 60s and 70s called the Lone Ranger. And it was based on the life of a very famous lawman. That lawman was a US deputy marshal by the name of Bass Reeves who captured over 3000 criminals during his career. He was without question the most successful lawman in the history of America. There's just one thing though. The Lone Ranger was a fictional white man. Bass Reeves was black.

Here are three examples of this spillover. The first example is Bass Reeves. Bass Reeves was a US deputy marshal in the 1800s. He was the most successful lawman in the history of the United States. His record stands today of apprehending over 3000 criminals back to justice. A popular show which aired in the 50's and 60s was based on the life of Bass Reeves. And that show was none other than the Lone Ranger.

The second example is a famous statue donated by the French anti-slavery society. It was donated specifically for black African slaves. That statue exists right here in New York City. And it's called the Statue of Liberty. The original statue was a black woman replaced by the current version of a white woman. It stands in St Martin in the Caribbean today.

The third and final example is the ancient Egyptian paintings of the ancient queen of Egypt queen Neffiteri. The paintings on the walls of tombs and inside of the pyramids of Egypt all depict her as a dark skin beauty. But today's forensic sciences put together a bust of a white queen Neffiteri.

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