jeudi 28 avril 2016

Benefits Of ZDDP Oil Treatment

By Stephen Robinson

Zinc dialkydithiophosphate is a compound usually found in lubrication engine oils. It is usually an additive that is added to the natural or synthetic oils for the purposes of lubrication to the moving parts. The STP, scientifically treated petroleum has been in production for over seventy years since their discovery in the 1940s. There are several advantages of zddp oil treatment that are above and beyond the normal oil lubricants, thus their persistent use for all those years.

The treated oils have better anti-wear properties compared to the normal oils. The treated oils have added zinc compounds that help protect the engine internal parts from wear and aging. The heavy metal, zinc under high pressures in contact areas coat the points avoiding the wear of metal. This helps increase engines and engine parts durability.

Oil has a basic use in an engine which is reduction of friction. Engines with less friction has a much better running, are cooler and can last long compared to a hot and poorly lubricated one. To avoid the dry starts, denser and more viscous oil is need. Oils treated with ZDDP tend to be denser since they have heavy metals in them and in turn increase viscosity making them much more preferred for motor vehicle engines.

Friction apart from generating heat, it generates sound due to vigorous vibrations from the parts in contact. These sounds are sometimes loud and unpleasant irritating to the ear. The screeching sound may cause a lot of noise and can only be reduced if not eliminated through lubrication. A good lubricated contact makes virtually no noise during the engines running.

Zinc compounds added to oil also reduces the chances it burning since it gives the lubrication oil the required viscosity to no vaporize or reach flush point. It also adds thermal stability to the oil by increasing its density. Therefore, the fluid is much stable working at very high temperatures and still gives the ultimate performance and efficiency.

Oil treated with zinc dialkydiothiophosphate has some agents that prevent corrosion to the internal moving engine parts. They help coat the inside of the engine with a coat of zinc, which is usually a heavy metal and avoids the wear by corrosion of other agents that may have found their way into the inside.

The cost of treatment of oils with ZDDP is very small since the process itself was discovered in the 1940s where technological advancement was not that advanced. Therefore, it is easier even today to come up with much better and improved treated oils that have been tested and it would be much cheaper. The oils are also produced from a byproduct of crude oil that is easy to acquire and so is zinc metal because it is available in abundance in the earth crust.

An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of another molecule. Oxidation in itself is a destructive chemical process that can alter oil properties including viscosity or even damaging the engine parts. The treated oils have antioxidants in their structure that help eliminate the agents that may contaminate them and prevent oxidation to the oiled metal parts.

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